Live music runs deep in Bristol's veins and has a plethora of gigs going on at any given time, from big name touring acts to hot new bands.

(gĭg) Informal
Gig is a rather informal term that musicians use among themselves. Is applied to a performance held in a smaller venue with a smaller audience being present.The difference with a concert is that it connotes mega events attended by thousands of spectators and such events are held in large open spaces such as stadiums or auditoriums.
(păl) Informal
A friend;a chum.
As I was travelling alone, I decided to download an app which is used mostly to make new friends when you're living abroad. This screenshot ( Ignore the mistakes in my text) , it's a real conversation I had with Louisa who I met by Bumble, and I would highlight two words which now I use it a lot.
The "gig" she is asking for is about de live music that was going to take place that night at The Canteen, a bar to meet, eat, drink, and listen to some of Bristol’s best live music. Their free live music policy six nights of the week, makes them a well established institution on the music circuit.
About the informal word "pal", when I was with Yoky and Sarah, I heard they were using a lot this expression, so I asked them when they use it. Insted of saying "friends" it is more common to use "pals".
Finally Louisa coudn't come but Sarah and I ate some veggie dishes while we enjoyed the live music Jam.
Two pals enjoying the gig !