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Digna G.

Textile Print designer

During fashion design studies in Barcelona, influenced by a 24/7 consumerist city, my interest for the environment and sustainability increased.

Since then, I have looked for alternatives to "fast" products. 

I reckon that littles changes in our habits are big steps for a more sustainable and respecful life, and maybe, along the way, inspire someone to RE-THINK their consumer habits.

Borsa Jaume Magre
EOI Lleida - course 2019-20

The year 2015 marks a new chapter in Bristol’s history as it becomes the first European Green Capital in the UK. 

With “Bristol. Zero Waste Trip” I want to show a sus-
tainable way of travelling and also discover the lands-
capes, architecture and people behaviour towards

sustainable life.

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© 2023 Creado por Bristol. Zero Waste Trip con

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