Swich ordinary to sustainable cosmetic products, was one of the little-big changes I did in my habits.

When it was the time to pack my bags, I found it interesting to show you which cosmetic and hygiene products I have changed over time for a more sustainable lifestyle.
Here I show you some of them and also some tips if you are thinking about making a sustainable change in your life.
1. Choose KM 0 local bussines
Nowadays, sustainable products are increasingly present around us. For this reason, it is very likely that you can find local products and businesses that are committed to sustainability and enviromentaly conscious.
Unfortunately, I will start with a bad new... I'm from a little village of Les Garrigues ( Lleida - Catalonia), and there was a small but great local bussines (selling mostly online) which has closed this 15th of septemer of 2022 with 4 years of life. Ecovan Store was a zero waste online store that was committed to sustainable, natural, eco-friendly and cruelty free products. It also has a Blog where you can find from recipes and information for cleaning without chemicals, to important events and things that inspire the creator, thoughts and voices of other people committed to sustainability.
This sad news should make us rethink our way of consuming, because it's in all of our hands supporting local businesses like Laia's Ecovan Store.
My hair and body soap that I bring to the trip, are from Ecovan Store, as well as the travel hair brush.
Mini Wood Brush: Wooden brushes are a sustainable alternative and
natural to take care of our hair. It is crafted, useful and durable and made of European wood from controlled felling.
Oat and Honey solid body soap: THYMUS ORGANIC SOAP is based in Arbeca (Les Garrigues). A family and artisan little company that was born out of the passion for nature ans wants to contribute its grain of sand in the fight against pollution and the consumption of harmful products for our planet.
The oat extract and almond oil of this soap soothes and hydrate irritated skin because it doesn't contain scents or perfumes.⠀
Calendula solid Shampoo: If your scalp itches or you have irritation, this is your shampoo, it contains extract and calendula oil from Sultana's own cultivation, which give it soothing and regenerating properties that will help balance these discomforts.
I'm currently using this shampoo and I can assure you that it's really efficient, with a delicious citrus aroma ( from the red tangerine and sweet orange) and at the same time they calm and detoxify.
What are your favourite ecological and km 0 soaps ?

(images from @ecovanstore)
2. Less packaging
Innecessary (plastic) packaging has been always a important problem to solve both in food and in other products.
In the case of deodorants, over time I have been trying several products that haven't convinced me, either because of their packaging or their smell. Until one day a friend showed me a solid deodorant from BUJAS with a simple cardboard packaging, which in this moment is the best option I have tried.
Have you found other "less packaging" deodorant options? Tell me about it!

Image from bujasmarket.com
3. Cruelty free make-up
There are a lot of ecological, sustainable and cruelty free make-up options. Here's a link to an uptated list (2022) of all the cruelty-free brands.
Is it true that is hours and hours of searching. If you don't have this time, in one hand, a good option is asking directly the staff of your usual makeup store for this kind of products . On the other hand, if you are from Catalonia, I recommend you this cosmetic brand based on Reus (Tarragona) : Freshly Cosmetics. This Catalan company does NOT test on animals.
Another interesting thing about Freshly Cosmetics physical Stores (Reus and Barcelona ) is that you can re-fill some of their products like the Body Flame Firming Cream, the Body Soap Nourishing Detox, the Micelar water Fresh Green... and much more!
Ecological makeup and cosmetics are an endless world... What's your highlight product?

Image from Freshly Cosmetics. Refill system in physical stores.
4. Toothpaste without plastic?
A toothpaste without plastic? What a challenge !
With the opportunity of this trip, I decided to search an alternative to conventional toothpaste packaged in plastic and I found this Naturbrush natural and vegan Solid Toothpaste in tablets, so I brought some of them in my toiletry bag and left the glass container at home.
Have you tried a similar product? What is your opinion about them?

Image from Naturbrush web.